Sunday, January 27, 2008

What to do now?

So what do you do if you are injured and unable to run? If you are me, you look for alternatives to try and keep somewhat shape.

I have really stepped up the abdominal work and am doing a lot of stretching to try and loosen up the IT Band if, indeed, that is my issue. I have an appointment with my doctor this Friday to start the process of determining exactly what is wrong.

As well, I have started exercising on a Nordic Track machine like the one pictured to try and keep some measure of fitness. I have been very careful and stepping up my times on the machine slowly as I do not want to re-injure myself, however, after my first workout I felt fine. We'll see what today brings.

Speaking of today, it was supposed to start the beginning of my training for the Blue Nose Marathon. This is not really the way I had planned on ushering it in. Oh well, you have to deal with reality and, hopefully, I will be back on the road soon and this will only be a setback as opposed to the end of the hopes for a Spring marathon.

The following is a promo link for the Blue Nose Marathon:

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